Maryanna Zero, Brokerage Services, Real Estate Agent, MASPETH, 11378, NY, US,



MaryAnna Zero has lived in Maspeth for over 60 years. Home Hunters is the oldest "realtor" firm in Maspeth for over 32 years. It specializes in sales, rentals, residential, commercial, and co-ops. MaryAnna is a past President of Queens Real Estate Board and past President of Western Queens Chapter of Long Island Board of Realtors. MaryAnna is currently a Board member of Community Board 5, member of Maspeth Kiwanis Club, Coordinator of the Annual Maspeth Kiwanis Fundraising Flea Market, Member of the Maspeth Chamber of Commerce, Board member of the Greater Ridgewood Historical Restoration Society, and on the Board of Advisors for Assmeblywoman Margaret Markey. MarryAnna has received achievement awards such as the Women of Distinction Award from Assemblywoman Margaret Markey, the Distinguished Community Service Award from the Long Island Board of Realtors, and the Kiwanis Hixson Award.

Details On This Expert

Profile Image:
Name: Maryanna Zero
Profession Name: Real Estate Agent, Realtor
Specialties: Residential Homeowner Listings, Residential Real Estate
Experience: 38 years
Languages: English
For Sale Count: 1
For Sale Minimum: 308,999
For Sale Maximum: 308,999
Recently Sold Count: 4
YTD Sold Minimum Value: 315,500
YTD Sold Maximum Value: 880,000

