Harry Effah, Brokerage Services, Real Estate Agent, Bronx, 10469, NY, US,

985 Allerton Ave, 10469 BRONX, NY, US


Harry Effah is a realtor at Exit Realty Group of Bronx, New York. He received his Bachelor of Science at Lehman college and proceed with his Master of Business Administration from Monroe College. After 15 years in the service sector as a supervisor in the supermarket business, accepted a position as a Care Manger Associate with health hospital corporation of the City of New York. An astute sport personality especially when it comes to basketball and soccer, as a staunch fan of the Knicks and Red Bulls. Currently, he resides in the Bronx with his wife and three kids. He can be reached at harryeffah@gmail.com

Details On This Expert

Profile Image:
Name: Harry Effah
Profession Name: Real Estate Agent, Realtor
Specialties: Residential Homeowner Listings, Residential Real Estate
Experience: 4 years
For Sale Count: 1
For Sale Minimum: 375,000
For Sale Maximum: 375,000
Recently Sold Count: 1
YTD Sold Minimum Value: 425,000
YTD Sold Maximum Value: 425,000
Phone Direct: (914) 473-6557

