Amy Puccini, Brokerage Services, Real Estate Agent, EAST MEADOW, 11554, NY, US,

1856 Hempstead Turnpike, 11554 EAST MEADOW, NY, US


Amy Puccini has been a resident of Long Island for approximately 45 years, where she and her husband have raised their family. Prior to becoming a licensed real estate salesperson, Amy worked as a police sergeant in New York City. After her time as a sergeant, Amy has chosen real estate as her second career. Her goal is to earn your trust and to assist you in obtaining all of your real estate needs.

Details On This Expert

Profile Image:
Name: Amy Puccini
Profession Name: Real Estate Agent, Realtor
Specialties: Residential Homeowner Listings, Residential Real Estate
Experience: 8 years
For Sale Count: 1
For Sale Minimum: 429,000
For Sale Maximum: 429,000
Recently Sold Count: 6
YTD Sold Minimum Value: 380,000
YTD Sold Maximum Value: 600,000
Phone Direct: (516) 319-6506
